Web Videos


Your business on the “new” Big Screen

Only the youth watch videos right? Wrong. 65% of the people viewing videos online are between the ages of 35 and 64. And 67% of those earn middle to high incomes. How many of those people are in your market?

If a picture tells a thousand words, imagine how many words a web video can say about your business. Having videos on your website will help educate your consumers about your products/services, build brand image and put a face to your company. Oh, not to mention from the comfort of their homes, at the time they are interested, 24/7.

Web videos can also save you lots of money. Recording training videos once can save you hundreds in staff hours paying managers and training staff, franchisees, licensees and resellers. At Insight, we too use web videos to assist our clients with simple tasks like how to setup their e-mail accounts, make changes to their websites.

3 reasons why you should love web videos!

Easy – Be honest, most of us prefer to watch something than read it. It is the same with people that go to your website, you can’t expect them to read full pages of text before they are interested, but we can expect them to click play.

Efficient – Web videos are one of the most powerful tools you can have in your marketing arsenal. Research shows 50% of people who watch a quality produced video will take whatever action that video asks them to do. It could be filing out a form, clicking on a link or simply reading the text below the video.

Affordable – Long gone are the days web videos were a luxury only the big boys can afford. They cost literally $0 to broadcast and only a few dollars to produce. No matter how big or small your company is, you can tailor the production to suit your budget.

Whether it is a simple animation or state of the art production, Insight can help your company to have their 30 seconds of fame. Call us today on (07) 3106 7683